

科学史图书馆 科学史图书馆

The Lund Centre for the History of Knowledge (LUCK) will offer a seminar series this spring and we are very happy to invite you to join us.

Registration is not required but please contact johan.ostling@hist.lu.se to receive a Zoom link.

For the seminar on 4 March, however, please register here to receive a Zoom link: https://lu-se.zoom.us/meeting/register/u5IkduqgqzooEt043TTdxvn-tXtWiOpHEEXq

31 January, 13.15–15.00

“Histories of Surveillance from Antiquity to the Digital Era”

Laura Skouvig (Copenhagen), Toni Weller (De Montfort) & Andreas Marklund (Copenhagen)

4 March, 13.15–15.00

“Histories of Digital Concepts”

Gabriele Balbi (Lugano), Nelson Ribeiro (Lisbon), Valérie Schafer (Luxembourg) & Christian Schwarzenegger (Augsburg)

(jointly organized with DigitalHistory@Lund and Film and Media History Seminar)*

20 April, 13.15–15.00

“Science at the Fair: Performing Knowledge and Technology in Western Europe, 1850–1914”

Nele Wynants (Antwerp) & Eva Andersen (Antwerp)

11 May, 13.15–15.00

“Exploring Knowledge in the History of Education: New Perspectives”

Chelsea Rodriguez (Groningen) & Moa Lindqvist (Uppsala)

(Time zone: CET/CEST)

In addition, we will arrange two seminars in Swedish this spring (both will be held in Lund):

4 April, 13.15–15.00 (Lund)

Text seminar: “Akademisk frihet – ett omstritt begrepp i historien och samtiden”

31 May, 13.15–15.00 (Lund)

Presentation of the book *Humanister i offentligheten*

Authors: Johan Östling (Lund), Anton Jansson (Göteborg) and Ragni Svensson (Lund). Commentators: Lovisa Brännstedt (Lund) and Urban Lundberg (Dalarna/Tidskriften Respons).


